Orders can be placed at the church in the Narthex, contact the church office or any youth! You can also visit our fundraiser website at https://sherwoodfundraiser.com/trinitylutheranchurch. Payment can be made by cash, check (written to Trinity Lutheran Church), or online at https://subsplash.com/u/trinitylutheranchurch-sa/give.Â
Not located near the church but still want to help support our youth? Or maybe you want to gift one to a relative in another state? No problem! Visit https://sherwoodfundraiser.com/trinitylutheranchurch and select an item for direct delivery. These items will be mailed directly to the address you want.Â
Need additional help? Our youth would love your support and can help you with your order. Don't know a youth but still want to order? Contact our church office at 218-789-7259 or email TLCSabin@gmail.com and we can assist you.